Wednesday, December 3, 2008

assignment number 5

i took several quizzes on the website and taking these quizzes showed me how i need to improve my relationship and my health.A test that i took was called how healthy is your relationship, and  another one that i took was how fit are you. These quizzes just made me realize the changes that i need and why i need to make them. I never really thought much of my relationship and too much of my health before. These games weren't as bad as i thought it would be. They were actually very informing and helpful.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Aids stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome, and HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.There are several ways to catch HIV, such as sharing needles with someone who is effected, breast feeding if she is HIV positive, having blood to blood contact, or having unprotected sex.There are several things that u can do to avoid getting this disease. You can have protected sex, do not share needles, and avoid blood to blood contact meaning if someone is bleeding and you have an open wound avoid it or cover the open wound. There are several ways that you can catch this disease so you should be careful. The worst part of it all is that there are no cures for this deadly disease. There are people that are born into this world with HIV. They have not done any of the above but they still have to deal with this disease. This can happened if the parent is positive and the child has a major possibility to have it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Assignment number 2

The book that i was reading is called virgin sex for girls bye Dr. Darcy Luadzers. I was reading pages 159-161. I predicted that the book would explain how girls are when they are a virgin and decisions that they are faced with everyday. My prediction was more less correct but it also explained to me how guys think and terms for sexual contact.I learned a few things such as word for masturbation and phrases that both men and women use for sex. I just think it is good to know these phrases so you wont be left out when in a situation that they are using these phrases. I would know why would people make books like this and then when people use the words its a bad thing, But these words are being brought to your attention in these books. I am interested in learning what are guys points of views in this situation.